What Can Percocet Abuse Do to Your Baby During Pregnancy?

Question by Amanda: What can Percocet abuse do to your baby during pregnancy?
A girl I know is due in August and has been abusing the pills before she found out and ever since she found out. She has been taking 5-8 a day. The doctor supposedly tells her everything looks/sounds good but I’m doubtful. Could something be wrong with her baby when it’s born? Thanks for any answers. She also has not told her doctor about her substance abuse.
Could the doctor be able to tell anything is wrong through listening to the heart beat? Or any ultrasounds? It’s not fair to make your baby suffer while you get high.

Best answer:

Answer by ladystang
birth defects up to death

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3 Responses to What Can Percocet Abuse Do to Your Baby During Pregnancy?

  • Trustinno1 says:

    yea her baby could be born opiate dependent an have problem with brething heart rate an withdrawl plus if u live in the us she has a real chance of having here baby takin from her she need to try an get some help for her an her baby

  • amazed says:

    Im sure it is NOT good – the doctor should know. However, I will tell you this: I know a girl who has serious back problems and is on pain management. Has been for years. She takes the 20mg percocets (the smaller ones with no tylenol in them) When she was pregnant her doctor had her continue to take them. The stress of stopping with the added pain would have been too much stress on her body and the baby. But she was under the supervision of a doctor. She also had a baby die of sids – Then she had another baby which is absolutely healthy. If this girl you know has an addiction problem and is not in pain she needs to tell her doctor. She may have to go on methadone for the rest of the pregnancy.

  • Mama_MJ says:

    Pain killers dont pose much risk of birth defects, BUT the biggest risk they pose is the baby being born addicted. If she tells her dotor, he will likely keep her on them, or switch her to Methadone or Subutex which are narcotics used to treat addiction. The reason the dotor wont want her to stop is she will have really bad withdrawals which can harm the baby worse than the drug. However the baby will be born addicted and will have to then be weaned in the hospital for a week or so. The other big risk is respiratory difficulties. Then of course the third issue is she will likely have to deal with Child Protective Services (or whatever the agency is called where she lives), who may or may not step in and take the baby. She should tell her doctor now so she can get on treatment therapy (the best option Subutex) which will lessen but not completely obliterate the withdrawals in the baby, and will also show the children’s agency she’s “getting treatment” for her addiction. If she doesnt tell them, the doctors/nurses will recognize the baby is in withdrawal and the baby will most likely be put in protective custody until she is able to pass about 6 months of drug tests.

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