drug rehab programs

Does Anyone Know of Free Drug Rehab Programs?

Question by i love my son: does anyone know of free drug rehab programs?

My family member is a 24 year old female who lives in Washington state. She is addicted to meth,

Best answer:

Answer by Phil
In my state, free or near-free rehab programs are funded through the Medicaid program. How that works exactly may vary by state. Try checking with your states Dept. of Mental Health (or equivalent) — drug and alcohol abuse are considered mental health issues.

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Drug Rehab Programs?

Question by MrSandman: Drug rehab programs?
Can you tell me if drug rehab programs are successful in the UK and what is the cost per week to the taxpayer or addict to receive treatment? I understand that the costs might be astronomical and unaffordable for your average person suffering from a drug addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by Javaris
dude fukk rehab..keep smokin dat shizz

What do you think? Answer below!



Florida Drug Rehab Centers Alcohol Programs FL


Free Drug Rehabilitation Centers in California/Nevada?

Question by J: Free drug rehabilitation centers in California/Nevada?
Hello – My family is having a hard time with my brother. He is currently living on a $ 500 month unemployment check. His girlfriend and him just broke up and he wants to move home with my parents. Unfortunately, he has been an alcoholic for the past 8 years of his life. My parent’s want to find a rehab center for him before he moves back home. He is 29 years old and drinks a 24 pack of beer every day. Please, my family doesn’t have any money to send him. Is there anywhere we can send him?

Drug Rehab Programs in Hamilton NJ | Call 800-281-9728 for HELP


Drug Rehab Programs in Hamilton NJ | Call 800-281-9728 For HELP – Drug Rehab Programs in Hamilton NJ – Call 800-281-9728 For HELP Do you know that drug addiction can put your life at risk. To prevent that from happening, se…


Chronicle AM — March 24, 2014

Filed under: drug treatment programs nj

Medical marijuana dominates the drug policy news today, plus a legalization bill is filed in New Jersey, welfare drug testing advances in a pair of states, the Russians halt anti-drug cooperation with the US, and more. Let's get to it: Cannabis oil is …
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Sage Retreat at HVRC Grand Opening Celebration, Alcohol Treatment and Drug Rehab Programs


Sage Retreat at HVRC Grand Opening Celebration, Alcohol Treatment and Drug Rehab Programs – WWW.HVRC.COM Sage Retreat Recovery Center Grand Opening Celebration, California alcohol treatment and drug rehab programs located in Hemet, California.