Can Physical Therapy Assistants Work in Drug Rehab Centers?

Question by April: Can Physical Therapy assistants work in drug rehab centers?
I’m becoming a physical therapy assistant and wanted to know 🙂
My mom did drugs when i was little and i want to know if by choosing this career path if I can help others- even if i couldnt help her.

Best answer:

Answer by mistify
This would not be a usual setting for a PT or a PTA. Chemical dependency rehabilitation and physical rehabilitation are two entirely different entities.

However, in a large metropolitan area, you may be able to work with a specialty hospital where there may be a chemical dependency wing and a physical rehab unit…in cases like these, you may be able to do physical rehabilitation with those on the drug rehab unit if that person has mobility impairments.

Generally, there is very limited physical rehab offered in a drug rehab setting when compared to a physical rehabilitation unit.

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One Response to Can Physical Therapy Assistants Work in Drug Rehab Centers?

  • 12 Keys Rehab says:

    #SoberSaturday: When Larry chose 12 Palms, his recovery journey began when
    our staff picked him up at a detox center. “When you came to scoop me up
    off the floor of that detox, you weren’t talking about how much this costs
    or it’s so many days. You didn’t talk about any of that… what you
    basically said was that you care about me. And you’re going to get me
    well!” Watch Larry’s story:?

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