prescription drug

I Have a Drug Problem and Need to Find a Rehab That Offers Free Help or Financial Support, Please Help.?

Question by Candy S: I have a drug problem and need to find a rehab that offers free help or financial support, please help.?
I have been addicted to prescription painkillers since I was 17 years old. I am now 24. I can’t afford those expensive rehabilitation centers but I am absolutely desperate for help. I can’t quit on my own and my addiction is controlling my life. I want to get my life back on track so if anyone knows of any place (preferably in Kentucky or close by) that offers a program that lasts at least a couple of months and financial support or small payments please let me know. You don’t know how much it would be appreciated. Thanks.

Alcohol Recovery Center Chicago | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center


Alcohol Recovery Center Chicago | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center – Alcohol Recovery Center Chicago’s residential facility treats drug, alcohol, and prescription drug abuse through detoxification…


Clomid Drugs?

Question by logirl: Clomid drugs?
I have been trying to conceive for more than 20 months, i wnt to try clomid without going to Hospital or hearing from my doctor, please wht is the implications

Best answer:

Answer by lynnguys
You should only be taking fertility drugs under the guidance of a physician. The only implications that I know of are the side effects and the high incidence of multiple births. I would think that any misuse of fertility drugs could dangerous (just look at the warning label on most birth control pills!). I have a friend that had triplets after only one cycle of Clomid. Be wise and see your doctor!

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center | Alcohol Recovery Center


Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center | Alcohol Recovery Center – Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center offers detox, counseling, and more for alcohol, drug, and prescription drug addiction in re…


Rehab Centers in PA | Free Rehabs in PA | Rehab Centers in PA


Rehab Centers in PA | Free Rehabs in PA | Rehab Centers in PA – Alcohol, drug, and prescription drugs addiction rehabilitation at Rehab Centers in PA contains detox, therapy, sober living, aftercare,…


Abraham Hicks – Alcohol & Marijuana


Abraham Hicks – Alcohol & Marijuana – Abraham hicks talks about law of attraction and alcohol and marijuana ( weed, pot, ganja ) ATTENTION!! Please help us to win this contest before it ends April 27th 2014! I need all of you…


OPINION: On pot, take careful steps

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

Many experts believe alcohol is a far more serious threat to human health than marijuana. A number do not believe that marijuana is a gateway drug leading to use of cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin or addiction to prescription drugs such as Oxycodone.
Read more on Delmarva Now