drug problem

What to Hear Stories About Drug Addiction.?

Question by Neal: What to hear stories about drug addiction.?
I would like to know your or your friends’ personal experiences and the effects on the family relationships. How does the you or your family feel about the addiction now?

Best answer:

Answer by Katie 😛
I want to know some too!

Give your answer to this question below!


Ex-NBA player on drug abuse to Townsend kids: 'Tell on that friend'

Filed under: drug addiction stories

My Mom Wants Me to Go to Rehab?

Question by lalallkasj: My mom wants me to go to rehab?
Hi i’m a teenager and I go to see a drug assessment consuler she suggested to my mom I go to rehab. I don’t think I should go nor do i think I need to go. But I wanted to here from some people who have been there already. B/c I have a feeling i’m going to end up having to go so I just wanted to hear stories from people who have first hand experience

Btw:I don’t have any sort of drug problem I just went to a counseling app. buzzed…
Thanks if you answer 🙂

Valium Addiction Treatment


Valium addiction treatment – http://prescription-drug.addictionblog.org/how-to-treat-valium- addiction/ Valium addiction treatment | Addiction Blog What can you expect when you get help …


Beaver Meadows chief outlines growing drug problem

Filed under: drug addiction treatment options

Beaver Meadows chief outlines growing drug problem. By TOM … "The main drugs are heroin and synthetic marijuana, which synthetic marijuana is a schedule one drug because it serves no legitimate medical purpose and it is just like heroin," Morresi …
Read more on Standard Speaker


Heroin Epidemic: Man's suspected overdose death shines light on treatment

Website for Drug Abuse Hotline?

Question by Ian: website for drug abuse hotline?
i cant find one. everything i find is just a phone number and i’m more comfortable on computer. i really need to talk to someone about my drug use.

Best answer:

Answer by xpatinasia
Google is your friend.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Holyokers can call Tapestry Health hotline for safe disposal of discarded syringes

Filed under: drug abuse help hotline

Can I Drop Charges in the State of Nevada?

Question by Zachary W: Can I drop charges in the state of Nevada?
Ok I have a friend in Nevada who has a serious drug problem, (I live in California) She has a really big heart but her addiction is insane, and I feel sorry for her… We were hanging out a lot because I was in Vegas for a week and we saw each other everyday. She ended up stealing 200 dollars out of my wallet and took my

Best answer:

Bipolar and Medicinal Marijuana in Michigan?

Question by GenocidePhenomenon: Bipolar and medicinal marijuana in michigan?
If i have bipolar disorder, can i get a medicinal marijuana license for it in Michigan?

Best answer:

Answer by buddhaorchid
Currently, no. To get a medical marijuana license in Michigan, you have to be diagnosed with a physical medical problem, typically cancer, crohn’s, chronic pain, MS, glaucoma, possibly muscular dystrophy, fibromyalgia, or something of that nature. Mental problems are not considered to be treatable by marijuana. When you have such mental issues, it is thought that you are more susceptible to drug addiction and abuse.