My Mom Wants Me to Go to Rehab?

Question by lalallkasj: My mom wants me to go to rehab?
Hi i’m a teenager and I go to see a drug assessment consuler she suggested to my mom I go to rehab. I don’t think I should go nor do i think I need to go. But I wanted to here from some people who have been there already. B/c I have a feeling i’m going to end up having to go so I just wanted to hear stories from people who have first hand experience

Btw:I don’t have any sort of drug problem I just went to a counseling app. buzzed…
Thanks if you answer 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by M
I don’t think you telling us the whole story: why would you go to rehab if you have never used drugs?
Please tell us the drugs you have used in the last 12 months.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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8 Responses to My Mom Wants Me to Go to Rehab?

  • Independent_guy says:

    don’t go to rehab and don’t drink. sorry if you do you are sooo stupid

  • Minnie-X says:

    Can you specify your problem ? If you don’t have a drug problem, then why are you being send to rehab ?
    Your mom loves you and wants to help you in any way possible so that you can grow up and have a normal life !
    Good Luck…

  • accident prone says:

    i went to rehab voluntarily and its the best thing i ever did. first you would need a habit tho for it to work. i went to a behavioral modification program that is for 18 months. i made it through 9 before leaving. i am glad i went and i go back often to hang out and talk to newer residents and the staff. if you dont have dependency issues tho it would be a waste.

  • BuffPap@50 says:

    You went to a counseling appt. buzzed and you think this is normal. It is NOT normal to use any type of chemical to alter your emotional state or to “Feel” normal. You definitely have a problem. I have been sober for almost 16 yrs and I work with drunks/addicts alot. Stop denying and start gettingyourself better or you could very well become just another sad and tragic statistic.

  • Stephen G says:

    Well I started smoking pot at age 15. It was about a year before I was smoking everyday and drinking heavily and using other drugs. I seen a counselor at age 16 but I was stoned every day. I wouldn’t have bothered otherwise, just from getting high once or twice etc. I didn’t get straight until 10 years later though after going through treatment 10 times, arrested multiple times, jail time, overdose, dropped out of school, didnt work for 5 years as an adult, finally I got recovery at age 25. Drugs are very addicting and it took me 10-15 years just get over the cravings.

  • David says:

    so you never drink and abuse drugs? this is all a misunderstanding? none of your closest friends do drugs? if they do, they,re just experimenting? parents who have drug abusing teens have heard it all. unless you are a victim of an incredible oversight, i think you will need to go. kids who are users never have any clue as to the pain and grief they cause, even if they suffer no long term effect from their addiction. my son was you at one time. fortunately, rehab worked for him. a few of his friends weren,t so fortunate. he,s seen more than one friend die from a habit that consumed them.

  • Miss Missy says:

    You claim to not have a drug problem, but yet you go to a drug counselor “buzzed?” Uh, dude? You do in fact, have a drug problem. Your fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
    Enjoy your stint in rehab.

  • thisstarstaken says:

    I’m really not sure what you mean by buzzed. You can get a buzz off several different things. If you’re refering to alcohol, I hate to be the one to break it to you- but alcohol is a drug. Obviously the counselor thinks theres something going on if shes suggested rehab to your mother. It sounds to me though like YOU are in denial. And denial is a definite symptom of some kind of a drug problem. In AA, step 1 is ADMITTING YOU HAVE A PROBLEM. Good Luck!

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