addiction treatment

Addiction Treatment Centers in New York | Rehabilitation Centers in New York City


Addiction Treatment Centers in New York | Rehabilitation Centers in New York City – Drug Rehab in New York treats drug, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals dependency in New York by utilizing detoxification, counselin…


Mental Health and Addiction


Mental Health and Addiction – Mental illness and addiction have no boundaries and affect people from all walks of life. Mental health and addiction treatment services play an important ro…


Does Drug Addiction Treatment Really Reduce the Spreading of AIDS/HIV?

Question by clara w: Does drug addiction treatment really reduce the spreading of AIDS/HIV?
I know that they’re interrelated, so I was just wondering if drug addiction treatment would lessen HIV victims.

Best answer:

Answer by ladyluck
yes it would reduce them significantly especially if the patients made a resolve to quit completely apart from trying to please others that serious rehabilitated person will reduce the rates of spread coz of reducing sharing of needles ,it reduces casual sex and reduces chances of that person recruiting another addict its a win win

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Women Recovering From Addiction-Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Center Women Specialty


Women Recovering from Addiction-Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Center Women Specialty – Features the women and children of Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Center’s Clearview, a women’s specialty addiction treatment facility. They tell their story ab…


Alcoholic Who Drank Over 30 Beers Per Day | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center


Alcoholic Who Drank Over 30 Beers per Day | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center – A long-term alcoholic who was known by name in the liquor stores finally makes the decision to get help after a life of addiction, denial and embarrassment. …


Stopping Heroin or Cocaine Addiction?

Question by Denver: stopping heroin or cocaine addiction?
I have come up with a novel idea. Would it not be a good idea to put heroin or cocaine addicts in an induced coma for one or two weeks? when they wake up the sickness would be gone!

Best answer: