Non-RHH: Tell Me Your Believe on Drugs Usage/abuse?

Question by [Memento Mori]: Non-RHH: Tell me your believe on drugs usage/abuse?
Lately I’ve experienced a lot of sad experiences with drugs. As of lately I’ve lost a great friend because of his abusive use of drugs, which has made him become unresponsive to what’s reality and what he wants to believe… =/

So I want to hear your thoughts on drugs. Are they good, are they bad, etc…
belief* not believe.

Always have one typo.

Best answer:

Answer by Dr. Bombay [Edgar]
I think it’s a b!tch way to avoid your problems.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Can God help you overcome drug or alcohol abuse – Are you tired of being unable to refuse drugs or alcohol? Let God help. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Therefore if the Son s…


24 Responses to Non-RHH: Tell Me Your Believe on Drugs Usage/abuse?

  • Dr. Azirahc says:

    Drugs use is life abuse!!

  • Beast Reality says:

    Depends what drugs. Weed and some pills, they should just legalize it, considering how many people use it and the fact that the negative effects aren’t that bad. Crack, coke, heroin, meth, and oxy, people shouldn’t even try it.
    EDIT:LMAO@OTTO Your avatar is the biggest stoner ever on the Simpsons

  • R.A. says:

    I only fu*k with weed. Don’t need nothin over the top, bud balances me out pretty well.

  • Otto's Gone till November says:

    Addiction sucks! Drugs, like with everything else, have their time and place. But like with anything you abuse, it will get the best of you, sooner or later.

    I’ve pretty much fried my dome with drugs, I’ve mixed chemicals, like LSD and MDMA, together many times, and I don’t think those two things should EVER be in your system simultaneously, add the shrooms as well. I’ve probably done some major damage to my neurons and sh*t. I’ve snorted ounces of blow, lots of MDMA, oxy, morphine, etc. My frontal-lobe isn’t in the best of shape, because of all that crap that went up my nose, and that’s the reasoning part of the brain, too. My lungs are in poor shape, too. Been smoking weed frequently since I was 14 and smoking cigerates since 16. I’m now 20. I need to stop smoking, but damn, it’s hard. Now, I’ve cut back on everything. I maybe drink 2-3 times a week, but I smoke weed whenever I can. I’m smoking only like 3-10 cigerates a day now, though, compared to a pack a day over a year ago. And that’s cutting back, because two years ago I was smoking a quarter a day, eating ecstasy 4 times a week, and doing whatever else I could get my hands on.

    Do I regret it? Nope! Some great experiences that the average person can’t even imagine.

  • Azi Haka says:

    Weed is the only real one that’s acceptable (not good). I think alcohol is worse, and then from that point they are very dangerous. Any drug can f*ck up friendships though, I found that out…

  • hµgð § says:

    All drugs are negative, but some drugs are not that bad. The tough, easily addicted shit are the ones that people lose loved ones for…I don’t like drugs…

  • Mark Sake says:

    Co-Sign Beast Reality.

  • motm45 says:

    weed never hurt anyone, as for crack and meth (the harder stuff) i don’t even touch it. not all drugs are bad but there is some that will mess your life up. you can’t let the drugs take you over. as for your friend, you should probably have an intervention if you’re really worried about him. so good luck to you and your friend

  • ??? c?r??ic says:
  • cristie (was tamed by Y!A) says:

    depends on what drugs you’re referring to. marijuana? i think it should hardly even be considered a “drug.” i’m all for marijuana, but it doesn’t seem like the friend you’re describing is smoking weed. alcohol is more destructive than marijuana

    ecstasy? not a big deal if you know what you’re doing, i think it’s alright until you make a habit of it, it’s kinda nasty. i don’t like “e-tards”

    everything else i’m not a fan of, at all
    i’m sorry about your friend, you can’t really help people hooked on horrible drugs like coke, meth, etc, but you can try.

  • I Revolve Around Sciences says:

    I got some friends who struggle with heroin addictions,
    honestly the worst drugs aren’t bought on the streets these days ish comes from a lab and from people with PHDs. I am talking about the drug oxycontin, we use to pop them but after a while that won’t get you high so we eventually went to crushing them up and snorting and then eventually smoking them which is basically the same as heroin. After a while this doesn’t get you high enough either and from there you have two options, one you can start buying heroin bc/ its cheaper and gets you more high or you can start shooting up the oxycontin they are both pretty bad options luckily i stopped doing it before this step happened but a lot of my good friends didn’t. A lot of them i am no longer friends with or don’t hang out with as much anymore bc/ they are big douchebags now and all they care about is getting high. So i know where your coming from, i have had shit stolen from me and it pisses me off. you can’t hang out with the kids bc/ you can’t trust them around any of your ish bc/ they are so unpredictable. SO yeah i know where your coming from word is bond

    OxyContin Leads to heroin

  • Jerry is evilpacman18 says:

    I think they’re absolutely terrible.

    But… Humans should have free will. If people want to hurt and kill themself, I don’t think anyone has the right to stop them. They’re not physically hurting anyone but themself, and drug abuse may emotionally affect friends and family of the abuser, but the law, and rationalism, are above emotion. I don’t think drugs should be legalized. I do think they shouldn’t be illegal though. I’m not sure if there is an in between, but if there is, that’s where I’d put drugs.

  • YouDontKnowRap says:

    i smoke weed DANK ONLY , drink alcohol, and have done dxm like 15 times. (triple cs, robitussin). All of the above has made me a better rapper, but its also given me jail time, totalled car, thousands in fines, and i haven’t been to school in three weeks. drugs r bad mmk

  • Charles Fiasco What iT Do says:

    Ive never done drugs a day in my life illegal ones that is
    i dont think they will solve anything your going through you need to understand that doing drugs isnt a long term fix its temporary you eventually gonna have to deal with whatever your dealing with after you come down off the high

  • Texas King says:

    Their bad,and there’s nothing good about them at all.They only block you off from reality,and then when that high goes down it’s back to the real world.

    I have a cousin who’s been using weed and cocaine for the past 4 years and recently he started to use heroin and exstacy.His life is all f*cked from it,he dropped out of school this year(senior year) and doesn’t even have a job and to make things worse he just found out that his girlfriend is pregnant.He’s really lazy and idk how he’s gonna support his girl and the baby.I feel bad for him because he was never like this before he got hooked on all that sh*t,but then again it’s his fault and now he’s gotta deal with the consequences.

    I don’t have anything against ppl that use them though,i just wouldn’t recommend it.

  • Talib says:

    Addiction sucks, I got a friend whose headed towards that, not that shook up about it cause I’m not a huge fan of the kid. Weed is fine, I’ve dabbled but I’m not a huge fan, doesn’t have anywhere near as big effect on me as most people. No one can explain why other than it’s cause of my ridiculous ADHD. Anyways, what I got a problem with is people that think smoking weed makes them cool or other stupid sh*t like that. I once was part of conversation where like 5 kids talked about how cool it would be to smoke with their parents back in the day. People need to get their priorities straight.

  • Candleguy: says:

    Make it short. I never really cared for them and I feel sorry for people that have an addiction. It justs makes me made how people brag on selling drugs. They never stop and think that it’s being passed to somebody’s mom,dad,brother or sister. It takes to many lives and takes reality away from us.

  • Trylemma says:

    Addiction means sacrifice of self, and in my mind family is the only thing I’d ever be willing to get addicted (or sacrificed) to.

    That being said, I dont really think drugs (I’m assuming weed and hard ones) are bad within themselves if you are able to avoid addiction. Of course, I don’t really think you should remain ignorant to the fact that in many cases these drugs are addicting. THAT being said, I would never touch them. A couple of the most amazing people I know are currently addicted to some sort of illegal substance. MANY of the most pathetic people I’ve known were too.

    I’m sorry for your lost.

    (Have you heard “Once” by Karma?)

  • latj says:

    I have a PH D and am not a hypocrite and will admit that I myself have tried Marijuana and will admit that it not good and NOT a “recreational” drug and nothing but a gateway drug that leads to other drugs. As a Psychologist I see too many people who struggle trying to get free of the holds that constant marijuana smoking causes and even though people say it is NOT addictive it is. There are people who base their entire life around smoking marijuana and it’s affects. There are people who lose everything including their families and homes because all they want to do is smoke marijuana and do absolutely nothing else. Then there are the people who choose (unfortunately) to move onto harder drugs and are even more willing to destroy their lives and the lives of anyone who comes into their lives. No drug is good drug. Even prescription drugs are only good when prescribed and only then. Today unfortunately prescription drugs are the #1 abused drug by women. They are easily obtained and easily hidden. Most people don’t know when someone is abusing prescription drugs unless one abuses them in massive amounts or is using so much that it apparent. They are easy to get and found in almost every friends medicine cabinet and most Dr’s will prescribe them without thinking twice.
    No drug is a good drug. Being able to be yourself drug free and enjoying life is your best bet. Alcohol is a drug and everyone should understand that also. Tobacco should also be a drug for all the damage that it does to the body and hopefully one day will be.
    I know that I may sound like a broken record but when you’ve seen as many people who have overdosed or are seeking treatment to rehab from drugs you would start to feel as I do. I’ve even had a family member who was personally affected by drug use. There is nothing good about drug use. Life is so beautiful that I’ve never understood why we as man have to mar it by try to mask the hard times or times we don’t understand with drug use. There is NOTHING RECREATIONAL about drug use. Once you’ve seen someone die from drug use you would think twice. I’ve seen it one too many times. It’s sad and something that makes no sense. They are leaving people behind who love them and have too many questions.
    Peace, Love & Happiness
    EDIT: For those of you who say Marijuana is not a “gateway: drug…please read this from the Journal of American Modern Medicine (JAMA):

    “Gateway drug; noun: a drug (as alcohol or marijuana) whose use is thought to lead to the use of and dependence on a harder drug (as cocaine or heroin)”

    This simple and widely accepted definition of the term gateway drug is just part of the story, however. To understand why it causes such controversy, the hypothesis behind the theory must be explored.

    The “Gateway Hypothesis” consists of three main elements that are dependent upon each other, defined by Denise B Kandel PhD as “sequencing, association of initiation, and causation”. Sequencing is described as the connection between two drugs (mind or mood altering chemicals) – specifically that one substance precedes another. Association suggests that when one drug is used, it increases the chances that the second will be used in the future. Causation, cited by Dr. Kandel as the most controversial element of the hypothesis, is the theory that the use of the secondary drug was actually caused by the ingestion of the first.

    Dr. Kandel explains in her editorial for the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) some of the various research studies that have been done to scientifically determine the existence of a gateway phenomenon, specifically as it applies to marijuana use. She points out, as many skeptics do, that environmental factors (such as the subject’s upbringing, peer relations, etc) have a major effect on the outcome of any study, even those conducted under the strictest conditions. She cites perhaps one of the most compelling human tests of the gateway hypothesis, in which sets of identical twins were closely monitored, pointing out that critics still place environment above substance for causation of subsequent substance use. In addition, she mention the usefulness of animal testing to rule out these peer factors and focus on the chemical process which may cause addictive or drug-seeking behavior

    Read more at Suite101: Gateway Drugs: Looking at the Definition, Theories, Controversy, and Statistics

  • The Illuminating Ghost says:

    Drugs are terrible. I’m 17 and have never touched any of that sh*t. Marijuana is the only drug that I can understand why people would want to use it. It is impossible to overdose on marijuana and it has numerous medical benefits. Helps with MS, allows kemotherapy patients to have an appetite, and it helps relax the mind. Alcohol is actually worse. But still, I don’t smoke weed either.

  • Dat Gurl Nickie =) says:

    I have an addiction to meth

  • The Vanilla Dutch Masta says:

    Drugs are bad, I went to rehab for yayo and pills and havn’t done either in over 3 years, and frankly I would advise people to STAY AWAY FROM THAT SHIIT. Quitting coke was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life.

    Still smoke weed on the reg tho, and eat acid every once in a while….but the real hard stuff I do not reccommend

    @Latj- Marijuana is not a gateway drug. You could prove this by taking away all other outside stimuli that could affect the thoughts and decisions of the “weed smoker.” If I never left my house, and you brought me marijuana every day to smoke, there is no better chance that I would move on to hard drugs than if I had not smoked weed at all. The reason that smoking marijuana can lead to other drugs is because of the process of getting the drugs and the people who you are around you while using them. Chances are someone you would smoke the weed with has already tried some sort of harder drug, or the dealer you buy the weed from has access to harder drugs. And because the people who already smoke weed have done a “drug” then they are more likely to say yes to something else more than someone who has never done a drug because they think it is morally wrong for one reason or another. It’s not the weed that leads to other drugs, it is the environment that most weed smokers enter to either smoke the weed or purchase the weed that can lead to other drugs.

  • Method Man says:

    Man, ya just gotta be down with that ganja, son. But I ain’t down with that otha shit.

  • dominica mann says:

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