Is Patrick Kennedy an Alcoholic or a Drug Addict?

Question by Barney the Gerbil: Is Patrick Kennedy an alcoholic or a drug addict?

Best answer:

Answer by Lt. dan taylor
its ok………..he has tiger blood

What do you think? Answer below!



Washington State Rehab – Sound Recovery Centers – Sound Recovery’s nationally acclaimed drug and alcohol rehab program is for those struggling with substance abuse issues and chronic relapse. Choose Sound Re…


5 Responses to Is Patrick Kennedy an Alcoholic or a Drug Addict?

  • Stephen of Brooklyn *I love Raekwon* says:

    I’m a 2 point addict. Damn. Just collected 2 more points

    All Seriousness: He takes after Uncle Teddy. Ok maybe not so serious.

  • suthrnlyts™ says:

    After reading this, he sounds more like a druggie to me. I wouldn’t bypass alcoholism though.. That’s generally passed down from generation to generation and based on that, he certainly falls into that specific category.

  • Taterbug* says:

    He has struggled with depression, alcoholism and addiction for much of his life.He is also bipolar and has an addiction to prescription drugs.

  • cricket says:

    Hell yes he is.

  • Peace through blinding force says:

    Yes, of course.

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