How to Tell My Parents I Want Rehab?

Question by milky pirate;!: How to tell my parents I want rehab?
I have a God awful drug problem. I’m always broke because of it, and I once stole $ 20 from my dad, just for drug money. How would I tell my parents to put me in rehab? I’m 15..

Best answer:

Answer by bad girl
Tell them you must have an important conversation with them. Then tell them you have a drug problem and as hard as you have tried you cannot break it. Obviously you need trained care. Good luck.

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One Response to How to Tell My Parents I Want Rehab?

  • Kylee says:

    It’s great that you realize you need to get help. There is going to be no easy way. They might yell, they might scream, but they will calm down because they love you and want the best for you. Just realize it is something that you need to do, and make sure you’re parents understand that.

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