How Do I Break My WOW Addiction?

Question by Valhallen2: How do I break my WOW addiction?
I’ve been playing for about a year now and it needs to stop. I just lost my job because I was caught playing. My wife has already left. Please help me I want my life back

Best answer:

Answer by Pastor Ken
Its demonic so its hard to quit plus some other reasons…

Youll have to talk to me on messnger. Im online

What do you think? Answer below!



WoW-Playing Couple Imprison Kids: Video Game Addiction? – WoW-Playing Couple Imprison Kids: Video Game Addiction? [HD] Developer: Blizzard Entertainment Release: 11/23/2004 Genre: MMOFPS/MMORPG/MMO Platform: PC Publ…


20 Responses to How Do I Break My WOW Addiction?

  • Lauren Whiting says:

    You may be strong enough to do this or you may need to ask a friend to do this…. remove WoW from your computer. Destroy (or sell, or give away) the disks, and throw away the game manuals, any literature that concerns WoW. Then try to get a job that doesn’t require you to sit at your computer all day.

  • dumbbooger says:

    I don’t know what WOW is, but if it is interfering in your life so badly then it is obviously a problem. As with any addiction you need help, seek therapy.

  • joshrules001 says:

    I know a person who was addicted to it but they just got tired of it and quit. The main thing is the game itself isn’t that good. Cause you have to pay a subscription then when a new version comes out you have to buy it. It’s only available on windows. Thats called a rip off.
    about quitting ween yourself off. if you play 6 hrs a day next week play 5 hrs a day and the next week 4 hrs and so on. If that don’t work see a psycologist cause it’s effecting your life and you want to quit and know you have an addiction thats the first step

  • Scared says:

    just STOP PLAYING, you idiot. delete it.

  • Sonny Cobb says:

    What ever happened to taking responsibility for ones actions? Its not wows
    fault. Society should stop blaming addiction or mental illness. They made
    bad choices and should pay the price for doing so. IMO

  • DeadlyApples666 says:

    You can still be addicted to video games and function as a normal person.
    This is really just a situation where these two people would have done the
    same thing even if they didn’t play video games. Violence in association
    with video games is usually down to certain people and their mental
    instabilities. WIILDSTAR! *cough*

  • The Dullohan says:

    I know plenty of parents that play wow and still take good care of their
    kids. This could be an addiction problem like they played so much that they
    didn’t take care of the kids or clean the house but that is an addiction
    problem not a wow problem. It would have been the same if they were
    addicted to just about anything. If they were addicted to working out and
    spent 18 hours a day in the gym or if they were crack addicts that were
    high all day. in the end video games will be blamed for it tho

  • Amphroxia says:

    Only 7 years :O dafuq, if In my opinion this couple should get at least
    life in prison.

  • Saeed Aldarmaki says:

    WoW cant Take blame. parent is the problem, i believe if different game
    will held the same case scenario. and about child abuse in video game.
    there is a lot of it in china that i saw the actual picture of the abuse.

  • adastoy says:


  • ZonePirate13 says:

    Although WoW is not directly to blame it is in effect here as video game
    addiction is just that,an addiction that relates to the neglect of other
    activity and substance. While it is easy to point fingers,these 2 obviously
    became addicted to what they were playing and their environment reflected
    this as time was spent elsewhere,if the case is however they were simply
    scumbag type people they should get far more than 7 years however as should
    the true parents who would have known this fact.

  • benedictify says:

    At the risk of trivializing this: staying inside all the time gets boring,
    so you might as well play wow. But seriously, these people are obviously
    mentally ill, and could have easily done this without wow, its unlikely wow
    was a causal factor.

  • Erebus2075 says:

    its sociaty trying to blame EVERYTHING ELSE then itself -.- its so fcking
    sad…. i remember when music apparently was the course of shooting up a
    school, yup it had nothing to do with the years of bullying and
    psychological abuse apparently these doesnt count at all but the music
    which the kid listened to was the reason -.- its the sad sad truth that
    these people failed hard to created a situation where such abuse is not
    accepted nor possible and then blaming everything else for their neglect

  • anakso says:

    This just in – Terrible human beings do things that regular human beings
    also do. That’s basically what this story boils down to for me.

  • MrStevemojo says:

    they were also listening to audio books , perhaps the constant marketing
    spam is to blame? 🙂

  • bo adams says:

    Why can’t people just be crazy now? When stuff goes wrong people blame the
    fastest thing they can, guns games, gadgets. It’s all the same crazy is

  • Max Martini says:

    Another two subscriptions gone… Blizz will be pissed at this!

  • espRevolution says:

    they will be out for titan

  • ashuraryu says:

    I agree with your statement Saeed and with Olivia’s opinion on this
    travesty as it affect to little children. In my personal opinion the adults
    are to blame as as I think that this is a personality issue as they were
    not the appropriate people to be caring for the children. Also the news
    organization is just using the WoW name to get ratings no matter what it
    does to the reputation of the game company. Again this is just my opinion.

  • Artamos says:

    i breath all the time, so does that mean im addicted to air!?!?!?

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