Does Drug Abuse Lead to Criminal Behavior? Explain Why?

Question by : Does drug abuse lead to criminal behavior? explain why?
Does drug abuse lead to criminal behavior? Please briefly explain what you think.

Best answer:

Answer by Anonymous
No, but the kind of people who indulge in drugs are usually predisposed towards crime.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Drug Addiction. Is it a Disease? FAQ 6 – Drug Addiction. Is it a disease? Drug Addiction, Is it a Disease? In this video I expose the fundamental flaw in the rationale of the …


21 Responses to Does Drug Abuse Lead to Criminal Behavior? Explain Why?

  • Don W says:

    Drugs are expensive

  • Joseph the Second says:

    Sure it Can. Addictions “take over” their Hosts… -Making them more, & More, & MORE Desperate- for the Next “Hit”. Desperate People DO desperate things… -they start lying, Stealing, even KILLING- to Support the Habit that’s controlling THEM… It’s a BAD “Scene…” And one You DON’T want to become a Part of… 😮

  • Byron says:

    I think so, yes.

    With the harder drugs the addiction is much stronger – so much that once the user has become fully addicted they NEED another hit. If they can’t afford to buy another hit they will do anything to get it – stealing ect.

    Obviously not the same with the softer drugs like Marijuana but definately so with cocaine, heroin and ice.

  • Starship Pain says:

    It can, depending on the type of drug being used or abused. People who are using heroin, crack, lsd, oxycontin and other hard drugs are just not in their right state of mind. They have damaged their mind in fact, and they dont have good reasoning or logic. They will rob and steal from people to get money for their next fix-it doesnt matter to them.

  • linkzellda says:

    Is addiction a disease or is it a choice? To think clearly about this
    question, we need to make a sharp distinction between them so what is a
    disease? A disease is a pathological condition of a part, organ, or system
    of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic
    defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group
    of signs or symptoms.

    A condition or tendency, as of society, regarded as abnormal and harmful.
    Obsolete Lack of ease a disordered or abnormal condition of an organ or
    other part of an organism resulting from the effect of genetic or
    developmental errors, infection, nutritional deficiency, toxicity, or
    unfavorable environmental factors; illness sickness.

    In other world a disease it’s something undesirable or unfortunate
    happening that occurs unintentionally without a deliberate plan or cause.
    So, yeah a addiction it’s not a disease but a choice and why?

    Because you have the choice to continue with your life of addiction, you
    the one who can decide if you want to continue with your life with alcohol,
    nicotine, cocaine or heroin. A disease have nothing to do with your
    addiction but is your fault and no one else fault.

    You with your hands you can decide your life no one else can decide your
    life but youself can decide your fate. Anyone who abuses substances whether
    it be alcohol, crack, heroin, or any type of opiate, has a choice, not a
    disease. Problem like cancer and diabetes are legitimate diseases as they
    are both beyond the individual’s control at the onset.

    Alcohol and drug use are not a disease, they are simple choices. So, if
    12-step programs, such as NA (Narcotics Anonymous) and AA (Alcoholics
    Anonymous) tell people that they have to go to support meetings, that they
    need to relapse, and that they are diseased that is not true at all.

    There are approximately ten million substance users admitted to treatment
    programs in the United States each year, learning that they have a disease
    and that they are in denial as these people accept the misinformation from
    treatment programs, it provides them with an opportunity to avoid their
    reality and an excuse to avoid making the hard decision to abstain or
    moderate their usage or continue using substances to excess.

    In essence, treatment programs replace the substance user’s natural powers
    of common sense and free will with an external imaginary power of a simple,
    inert substance. So, why many people such as the 12-step programs define
    addiction as a disease?

    To put it simple is MONEY simple as that. They invent the excuse that
    addiction is a disease just to get your money. They know that they will
    make money for their services, they know that people are stupid and naïve,
    and they will fall into their traps and also use as a excuse to get away
    with it like when someone cheat on someone else.

    So, addiction of many type is not a disease but a choice so anyone who
    still believe that addiction is a disease is a moron, and addiction it’s
    only for the weak minded people can be addicted to in-animated objects.?

  • crobc1 says:

    False, and here’s why: Defn. of disease: “a disorder of structure or
    function…” Then they state that if it is a disorder of structure, you
    should be able to see it under a microscope. Then they ignore that the
    definition is OR logic, and neglect to address the disorder of function
    aspect, which addiction certainly qualifies.
    The fact is, that the structure of the human body and brain extends
    down to the molecular level, hence molecular biology and molecular
    neurobiology are hot topics these days, now that we have the technology to
    begin researching at this level.
    But the body and brain are extremely complex, and we simply don’t fully
    understand it. We are light years away from having a predictive model for
    the function of the brain, based on its molecular neurobiology. It is even
    possible that we may never figure it out.
    Without full understanding of the human body and mind, we are merely
    speculating, asserting ideologies, and deluding ourlselves if we think we
    know what addiction “is.”
    That said, I have seen people stay clean for the rest of their lives
    because of NA. The real reason they stay clean might not even be the
    reason they think it is. No one really knows.?

  • Archiesview says:

    No I don’t. In fact no “mental illness’ is caused by bugs and never will be
    seen under a microscope. Yes, you can damage the brain with chemicals/drugs
    which make a person act irrationally but if the brain isn’t damaged by some
    chemical or other drug substance and is in otherwise good physical order
    then a person’s life upsets and difficulties they label as “mental illness”
    come from the mind which has nothing to do with the brain and, like you
    say, will never be seen.

  • NoneOfMeHaveDID says:

    So, all mental health issues can be seen with a microscope? If we can’t see
    something it means it does not exist? Does the world disappear when we
    close our eyes? Do you really believe some scientists are searching for a
    bug that causes drug addition? There is nothing scientific about this video.

  • Archiesview says:

    Yes, Patricia, this is correct. It is quite a challenge to get this message
    across because the Drug Pushing medico’s in their “replacement” drug
    program are making so much money keeping addicts on drugs. They don’t care
    one iota about addicts, all they can see is a cash flow machine. A terrible
    state of affairs really with their nonsense about brain imbalalces and
    chemical crap. . Criminal in my opinion.

  • Archiesview says:

    @ericghorton Addiction is NOT a disease. That is the one thing it
    absolutely not. It is certainly a condition and a state the person is in.
    If it was a disease you could cure it with medication whch is impossible as
    proven by the medical model rehabs whp make this clain to cover there
    constant failures to rehab anybody. Rehabilitation means to return some one
    to a former or better state or condition than they were beforehand.
    Something they simply cannot do. Their failure rate is appalling.

  • Archiesview says:

    Well, it’s not a matter of, is there any harm in thinking of addiction as a
    disease, it just leads you in the wrong direction. You see, diseases are
    the province of doctors. Medical doctors deal in body malfunctions and
    sickness. The word medical comes from medication which is what they offer
    no matter what your problem is. This means they are limited to prescribing
    drugs. With an addict that is their problem they are already hooked on
    drugs. The last thing they need is more drugs.

  • Archiesview says:

    @BonnieACharette Thank you Bonnie but watch the video again. Addiction is
    NOT a disease. If it was a disease you would be able to see the disease bug
    under a microscope and it could be treated by medicine. The worst thing you
    can do for an addict is to give then even more drugs. That is their problem
    they are alfready overdosed on drugs. There is no drug that neutralises
    some other drug. What the addict needs is a complete removal of all drugs
    first. Then with a clear body & mind rehab can begin

  • Claudie Robton says:

    The disease of drug addiction will kill the addict and you must recognize
    that you are not helping her by supporting her on any level with respect to
    her addiction. Treatment is the only answer, and your refusal to support
    her in any other choice is imperative.

  • Michael Nidea says:

    When a person exhibits symptoms of addiction, there’s probably some type of
    stress to begin with. However, this can vary in intensity. Although
    emotional problems differ from person to person, teenage addicts tend to
    exhibit signs of social anxiety or depression.Some people have a very low
    tolerance for any discomfort and self-medicate using drugs.

  • Archiesview says:

    The trouble is someone on drugs can’t think straight. When you talk to them
    all you get back is drug talk and how wonderful it all is. They are not
    called mind altering for nothing. The funny part of it is they think it is
    them talking. They don’t know the difference any more. Usually, it is not
    until they are about to go out the bottom that can you get through to them
    about the mess they are in. Even then, it takes a very skilled consultant
    to get them into rehab.

  • Sam Leoberg says:

    Despite matters of health, and the fact that nobody expects drug addiction
    and alcohol addiction to happen as a result of their use you know that the
    best thing you can do to help them is to get them into a rehab program.

  • James Kestep says:

    The first step you must take in order to deal with the trouble of drug
    abuse is to look for a good and reliable treatment center. The chief goal
    of these centers is to assist addicts who want to defeat the problem, that
    is, stop the urge and evade it for good. There are a lot of of them around.

  • Patricia Mmarkhan says:

    However, when it comes to drug addiction, there is more than enough
    evidence that it is not a disease, and is not incurable. People coping with
    someone who has a drug addiction problem should know the truth.

  • Andrea Button says:

    Alcoholism and drug addiction are two maladies that have severely afflicted
    scores of people across the globe. Now, whether these two should be
    categorized under diseases like cancer or heart disease is a debate that
    seems to rage on and create great controversy.

  • Archiesview says:

    Most people have problems. Some are fun to solve and keep one interested in
    living. Especially when they beat the odds and end with a nice win. Some
    are much tougher and cause stress if the person can’t get a handle on it.
    It’s when a person is totally stuck for a solution and desperate that they
    can try to deaden the pain with tranquilisers and even get into the
    stronger stuff. We find that in nearly every case, behind the addiction, is
    a problem or situation the person couldn’t resolve.

  • MrDaryllKing says:

    It’s very difficult for a person to get out of the trap of drug addiction.
    But there are drug rehab centers, which are making the path to a normal
    life much easier for the person involved. Especially the programs you have
    now..Thanks to this video.

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