12 step

Christian Drug Rehab Center – Step 11


Christian Drug Rehab Center – Step 11 – This video talks about Step 11 from the Christian 12 Steps to Addiction Recovery. Step 11 is “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious c…


Christian Based Drug Rehabs in Texas?

Question by eko: Christian based drug rehabs in Texas?
I am looking for a christian based drug rehab in Texas for my brother who has finally decided to turn a new leaf. Since we won;t be able to afford to pay for it I was wondering if there is any kind of rehab that would take him in for free and make him work there to make up for it. Any kind of information would be greatly appreciated. Other states will also do. I need this info really bad before its too late to save my brother. Thanks

Best answer:

Does the Religion of Scientology (Christian Scientists) …Reject ALL Medical Operations….?

Question by Bilbo Baggins: Does the religion of Scientology (Christian Scientists) …reject ALL Medical operations….?

Scientology …….and……(Christian Scientists)

……Scientology teaches that people are immortal beings who have forgotten their true nature.Its method of spiritual rehabilitation ( Prayer..they call it auditing )….in which practitioners aim to consciously re-experience painful or traumatic events in their past in order to free themselves of their limiting effects.

Christian Scientists believe God is not distant and unknowable, but that He/She is Father-Mother, all-embracing and always present, and that every individual is made in God’s spiritual image, loved by God and cared for by Him. Prayer that brings this understanding into focus for an individual

Genesis of Drug Addiction?

Question by Sagar Jaishi: genesis of drug addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by Valeria
Here are some of the causes of drug addiction:

Aside from the inherited factors, some people have a personality that is more likely to become drug dependent.

– People are curious, so that alone can lead a person to try a drug. We experiment and see what happens. – We are looking to relax and have pleasure.

– We all want to feel good, and we’re by nature impatient. Drugs give us an instant gratification that other things do not, so for that moment or hour of for whatever time-frame, we feel good. – We want what we want.

How Do I Spend More Times on Reading Books or Doing Somethings Worthwhile Instead of Video Games?

Question by K: How do i spend more times on reading books or doing somethings worthwhile instead of video games?
It is like an addiction. I tried to stop but it seems so hard. Any help is appreciated, thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Star69uk
Video games are worthwhile aren’t they? Don’t feel bad about it

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The Addiction Show Take 2 with Ken Pecoraro Taking the Escalator – Ken has over 20 years of experience in the world of recovery. His book sheds some light on 12 Step alternatives. The 12 Steps have an awesome track record and will continue to do so. Still,…

What Project Can I Make Out of Drug-Alcohol Abuse Psychology Research?

Question by thomas_afi628: What project can I make out of Drug-Alcohol Abuse Psychology research?
I am a senior in high school, and we have to do a big graduation project that consists of a 5-page paper, 15 hours with a mentor, and a final presentation in front of judges. The topic I was considering was A Day In The Life of a Psychologist. Substance Abuse, more specifically. My paper could be about how drug and alcohol abuse has grown/stopped/whatever in America over the last 60 or so years. What could I do as a final presentation? I was thinking, maybe a step-by-step plan for a recovering adolescent, but I’m not really sure. Any suggestions?